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Welcome Jason's My Home Page
Here at Jason's website you can download some cool media such as the famous "Elmo Song" and "I brought paul a turkey".Also you can get all the latest goss on Mr Chung's sayings and you can also download some cool winamp skins and games and heaps of other cool stuff... This page is currantly under construction...

Hey Hows everybody doin? I thort Its about time i updated my website, So... Now i have links to some realy great stuff, like: Music, Mp3, Players, Mixers, Cracks and heaps of other cool stuff..... Hava Brows
Here Are Some Of Chunga's Sayings
* An Den
* How bout
* Dat Buttin
* Dass it
* Dass Enuff
* Oll
* Doung
* Prrrimer
* Dair Four
* Pobalashon
* Ousie
* Dass korekt
* Becase
* Doung-sing-so
* Not Rezonable
* Chi agen
* Wuk
* Tae out
* No-el
* Jasion
* Teaching
* Nathen
* Labol
* Feeedom
* Maarten
* Tae it
* Tank you
* Stait
* Aderone
* Evaelate
* Queshions
* Labol
* Twonty
* BA Off
* Bout
Wanna Download Some Cool Stuffs?
Well all you have to do is go to www.wooop.50megs.com/media and click on the file that you would like to download. When the box appears choose "save to disk" So you can listen to it over and over again...
If You would like to send me a media file, just e-mail it to me at wooopdido@hotmail.com... (Please make sure that the size of the file dosent exceed 200kb......

Also wanna grab some cool winamp skins??? Then go to www.wooop.50megs.com/skins...................

You can also download some cool games, go to www.wooop.50megs/games.... enjoy....

Drop me an e-mail
Why not drop me an e-mail? Just click on the tab below...
Click Here

If that dosent work just send it to wooopdido@hotmail.com

Wanna read my guestbook go to http://wooop.50megs.com/fsguestbook.html